Pelatihan CHM (Certified Hotel Manager) Batch III - Labandi Consulting bersama HELIC (Hospitality Executive Learning Centre) The Certification in Hotel Manager/CHM is being offered to *Hotel General Managers, Hotel Managers, Villa…
Save the Date Free Seminar Online Perpajakan Asosiasi Konsultan Pajak Publik Indonesia (AKP2I) PD Kepri bekerjasama dengan APPEKNAS (Asosiasi Pengusaha Pelaksana Kontraktor dan Konstruksi Nasional) dan HIPMI (Himpunan Pengusaha Muda…
CERTIFIED HOTEL MANAGER The Certification in Hotel Manager/CHM is being offered to Hotel General Managers, Hotel Managers, Villa Managers, Potential Department Head ( future GM ), Vocational Leaders ,…