PELATIHAN ON-SITE [Sertifikasi Nasional Bergelar CRA dan CRP] Dear Bapak Ibu Yth, Mohon ijin menyampaikan informasi : Labandi Consulting dan Rimera Serbic mengadakan Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko berlisensi BNSP-LSPPM…
Pelatihan CHM (Certified Hotel Manager) Batch I - Labandi Consulting bersama HELIC (Hotel Executive Learning Centre) The Certification in Hotel Manager/CHM is being offered to *Hotel General Managers, Hotel Managers, Villa…
PT. Labandi Konsultan Indonesia atau Labandi Consulting selaku Event Organizer akan mengadakan Pelatihan Brevet AB Terpadu + Sertifikasi CTT (Certified Tax Technician) yang bekerjasama dengan Asosiasi Konsultan Pajak Publik Indonesia…
Pelatihan CHM (Certified Hotel Manager) Batch III - Labandi Consulting bersama HELIC (Hospitality Executive Learning Centre) The Certification in Hotel Manager/CHM is being offered to *Hotel General Managers, Hotel Managers, Villa…
The Certification in Hotel Manager/CHM is being offered to Hotel General Managers, Hotel Managers, Villa Managers, Potential Department Head ( future GM ), Vocational Leaders , Owner Representatives, and Industry…